24/7 Grid

Getting Started

Many people will need no help at all and will have firm ideas about what their life should look like and what they need to get to achieve it.

For every person who is eligible for support from social care, there are many who don't reach the criteria, but still need support plan their lives.

Significant numbers of people may need support at every step and it is a core responsibility for every local council to signpost people, develop service directories and community networking opportunities for everyone.

Those young people coming through transition are at an advantage in that they are not already ‘signed up for' a traditional service commissioned by their social worker. Their first grid is a ‘clean slate' to draw on!

But for those who already have a commissioned service package the 247 Grid is a liberating resource that will at last give people the tools and the confidence to ask the right questions and challenge whether they are truly achieving their outcomes and making the most of the funds being spent on them.

What information do I put on the grid?

The 247grid at this early stage is not a daily management planner.

Time Designers Ltd passionately feel disabled people and their families Primarily need a tool that will enable them to gather the right information and evidence to make an informed choice about their current support and show those who are commissioning services on their behalf How they would like to do it differently.

Using the 24hour /Monday - Sunday grid , we encourage you to ‘add an activity' for EVERY ASPECT of your life. From waking in the morning, getting out of bed, washing, dressing, having breakfast, and taking meds[if applicable]. Looking at what regular activities you do through out the week, making meals, shopping, housework, going to work, spending time watching TV!

Some of these activities you may be able to do independently [Blue], some you may need someone to be around just in case you need support [Orange] and some tasks you might need some one to help you with, or do it for you [Red]. Some people use assistive technology to help them boost their independence through the night [Green] The use of different colours , enable you to see where to focus the support you receive and whether it could be done differently. Ask yourself if you are achieving the life you want and if you are attending a college or adult day opportunity, whether it can address some of the skills barriers you are experiencing